Department of Computing

Computer Science prepares students to design and implement innovative computing solutions to real world problems.  Areas of study include (but not limited to) algorithms, software engineering, graphics, artificial intelligence, robotics, databases, theory of computation, networks and Internet technologies. 

Data Scientists provide insight and predictions from data. They work in research labs, startups, corporations, universities, governments, and nonprofits. A degree in data science provides students with skills for acquiring, managing, visualizing, mining, and modeling data. 

Informatics prepares students to use and apply the latest computing technology. Students gain expertise in software development with an emphasis on creating web/mobile applications. They also get experience working with computing hardware, databases, networks, and data analytics. 

If being on the cutting edge of technological innovation is exciting to you, consider a degree in information systems. Learn to use the latest hardware and software tools to help businesses organize, strategize and retrieve mission critical information.

Here we are deploying a fully autonomous (unmanned) drone over southern Michigan's oak forest searching for invasive Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) for a slash/burn project. The drone's role is to isolate problem spots within a 200 acre test plot.  Normally it would take days for staff to hike into the woods to isolate problem spots, now it literally took 13:50 minutes! 

Faculty of Computing

Betty Gibson

MS, Associate Professor of Computer Science & IS
218D Chan Shun Hall

Armand Poblete

MS, Instructor of IS
215B Chan Shun Hall

Ackley Will

PhD, Associate Professor of Computer Science
Haughey Hall 309

Roy Villafane

PhD, Associate Professor of Computer Science
Haughey Hall 320B

William Wolfer

MS, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Department Chair
Haughey Hall 310